Here is the continuation from yesterdays post about Uranus:
"6. It has some rings too
Not only does Uranus have some moons, but it also has three sets of rings too. There are at least 11 rings. There are nine narrow main rings, followed by the two more recently discovered outer rings. The inner rings are dark and opaque, with a very low albedo. Astronomers believe that they're made of water ice mixed with organic molecules. The outermost ring is blue like Saturn's E ring, and the outer ring is reddish like other dusty rings in the solar system.
The names of the rings are Zeta, 6, 5, 4, Alpha, Beta, Eta, Gamma, Delta, Lambda, Epsilon, Nu, and Mu, with Zeta being the closest to the planet.
Belts of fine dust encircle several of the bigger rings, which are often argued to be rings in and of themselves.
7. There is no "true" surface to the planet
Since it is an ice giant, Uranus lacks a real surface, so to speak. This is because most of the planet is made up of swirling fluids.
A spacecraft wouldn't be able to travel through Uranus' atmosphere unharmed, but it also wouldn't have anywhere to land. If ever attempted, a metal spaceship would be destroyed by the intense pressures and temperatures.
At least that is with our current knowledge of material science.
8. Uranus has a very strange magnetosphere too
Uranus, as we've seen, is a very strange place indeed. But it gets weirder.
The magnetosphere of Uranus appears to be unusually formed. Magnetic fields are generally aligned with a planet's rotation. However, the magnetic axis of Uranus has tilted about 60 degrees away from the planet's axis of rotation and is also displaced from the planet's center by a third of its radius.
The uneven magnetic field of Uranus causes auroras to not line up with the poles as they do on Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Millions of miles of space are covered by the magnetosphere tail that follows Uranus to the other side of the Sun. Uranus' sideways rotation causes its magnetic field lines to twist into a lengthy corkscrew shape.
9. Uranus is made of "hot" icy stuff
Uranus is one of two ice giants in the outer solar system (the other is Neptune). Over a tiny rocky core, hot, dense fluid of "icy" components like water, methane, and ammonia makes up the majority (80% or more) of the planet's mass. Temperatures can reach 9,000°Fahrenheit (4,982°Celsius) towards the core.
Despite having a lesser mass, Uranus has a somewhat bigger diameter than its neighbor, Neptune. Saturn is the least dense planet, making Uranus the second least dense after that.
Due to the presence of methane gas in its atmosphere, Uranus has a blue-green tint. Sunlight enters the atmosphere of Uranus and is reflected by its cloud tops back out into space. Blue-green light is produced when methane gas absorbs the red component of the light spectrum.
10. Uranus is the coldest planet in the Solar System
Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun, orbits at an average distance of about 2.88 billion kilometers. However, it is still a lot closer than Neptune, which is on average 1.74 billion miles (4.5 billion kilometers) from the Sun.
This does not, however, change the fact that Uranus is colder than Neptune. The former has temperatures that range from a low of -360 °F (-218 °C) to an average of -330 °F (-201 °C).
On the other hand, Uranus' cloud top temperatures, which are considered to be the "surface temperature" for gas giants, range from -375 °F (-226 °C) to an average of -323 °F (-197.2 °C). This is because Uranus emits less heat than it takes in from the Sun, in contrast to the other big planets in the Solar System. While the cores of the other major planets are extremely hot and emit infrared radiation, Uranus' core has cooled down to the point where it emits little energy.
11. You can actually see Uranus with the naked eye
You might be shocked to learn that a telescope is not always necessary to observe Uranus. Uranus is barely within the range of brightness that the human eye can detect at magnitude 5.3. However, you would need to know exactly where to look and ensure that the night sky was very dark (i.e., there was no light pollution).
Because of this, ancient and early modern astronomers were able to see Uranus quite frequently in the past. However, because of how dim it was in comparison to the other planets, it was frequently mistaken for a star.
In fact, when Flamsteed first noticed it, he categorized it as 34 Tauri because he thought it was a star in the constellation of Taurus.
12. We've only been to the planet once
In the entire history of space travel, only one spacecraft has ever visited Uranus. On January 24th, 1986, NASA's Voyager 2 made its closest approach to Uranus, passing just 50,331 miles (81,000 kilometers) from the planet's cloud tops. The gas/ice giant and its moons were captured in tens of thousands of pictures before the spacecraft accelerated toward its next destination, Neptune.
There are no present plans to launch any more spacecraft that could be directed toward Uranus. During a mission extension planning phase in 2009, the prospect of transporting the Cassini spacecraft from Saturn to Uranus was considered.
The Uranian system would have taken Cassini around 20 years to reach after leaving Saturn, therefore this never materialized. Although there are a number of ideas for getting back to Uranus being bounced around, none have yet been approved.
13. Uranus is named after the ancestor of the gods (and titans)
The Greek personification of the heavens and son of Chaos, Uranus, is the inspiration for the name of the planet. As previously mentioned, this makes it the only planet that was given the name of a Greek god rather than a Roman one.
Traditionally, Uranus was considered an offspring of Gaia, Mother Earth, who emerged from primeval Chaos. Hesiod states that Gaia created Uranus as "equal to herself, to cover her on every side, and to be an ever-sure abiding-place for the blessed gods."
With Gaia, Uranus produced eighteen children, including the twelve Titans, the three one-eyed Cyclopes, and the three Hecatoncheires (giants with a hundred hands).
14. The planet has a strange dark spot
In some respects, the atmosphere of Uranus is thought to be the calmest of the large planets. Only a few tiny clouds were seen when the Voyager 2 spacecraft initially neared it. However, there are still some atmospheric inhomogeneities.
The 2006 discovery of the so-called "Great Dark Spot" on Uranus was a prime example. It is similar to the same phenomenon on Neptune.
This dark spot is a vortex measuring 1,100 miles by 1,900 miles, where the wind speed can reach 447 mph (200 m/s) and is caused by churning winds in the planet's atmosphere.
15. Uranus probably smells like rotten eggs
In 2018, Gemini's near-infrared integral-field spectrograph (NIFS) was used to determine the composition of the upper layers of the Uranian atmosphere. It was discovered that the clouds in these levels are made of frozen hydrogen sulfide. This is the same ingredient that gives rotting eggs their distinctive odor.
This substance's presence in the planet's upper layers is proof that Uranus did not develop in its current orbit. It was, therefore, probably born closer to the Sun than any other huge planet, and over the first tens of millions of years of its existence, it moved to where it is now.
And that is your lot for today.
Uranus is certainly a strange planet, but we have only touched the surface when it comes to understanding much about it. With some new missions to the planet planned in the future, we can only imagine what we will learn about our planet's very distant cousin."
Well there you go now you know a lot more about Uranus outside a number of jokes. Interesting place for sure, but not a vacation spot for sure!
I have lost a lot of faith with the Medical Community and the Governments over the last several years, but there are a few good things that can raise above the corruption and the pushing of drugs a new approach to heal people. The following is from and written by Hunter Parsons that does not involve any drug or pushing an ineffective so called vaccine that the drug company is not held accountable in any way but they use sound! The use of sound can regrow bone tissue! Here is the story:
"The future of regenerative medicine could be found within sound healing by regrowing bone cells with sound waves.
The use of sound as a healing modality has an ancient tradition all over the world. The ancient Greeks used sound to cure mental disorders; Australian Aborigines reportedly use the didgeridoo to heal; and Tibetan or Himalayan singing bowls were, and still are, used for spiritual healing ceremonies.
Recently, a study showed an hour-long sound bowl meditation reduced anger, fatigue, anxiety, and ...
Not a fan of a Defense Agency studying Anti-Gravity and other Exotic Tech, but if the commercial world and make this technology cheap that will change our world yet again. The following is about three minute read and from The below was written by Hunter Parsons:
"Wormholes, invisibility cloaks, and anti-gravity — it’s not science fiction, it’s just some of the exotic things the U.S. government has been researching.
A massive document dump by the Defense Intelligence Agency shows some of the wild research projects the United States government was, at least, funding through the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program known as AATIP.
And another lesser-known entity called the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program or AAWSAP
The Defense Intelligence Agency has recently released a large number of documents to different news outlets and individuals who have filed Freedom of Information Act requests.
Of particular interest are some 1,600 pages released to Vice News, which ...
As our technology gets better we are discovering more about the history of mankind and pushing the timeline back further and further. The following article is from and written by Michael Chary that discusses this new find that changes the historical timeline:
"Over the past decade, there have been a number of archeological revelations pushing back the timeline of human evolution and our ancient ancestors’ various diasporas. Initially, these discoveries elicit some resistance as archeologists bemoan the daunting prospect of rewriting the history books, though once enough evidence is presented to established institutions, a new chronology becomes accepted.
But this really only pertains to the era of human development that predates civilization — the epochs of our past in which we were merely hunter-gatherers and nomads roaming the savannahs. Try challenging the consensus timeline of human civilization and it’s likely you’ll be met with derision and rigidity.
Conversely, someone of an alternative...
Not sure if you have heard of a show on YouTube called "The Why Files". If not you should check it out it is interesting and has some humor with it on different subjects. Last weeks was on a different theory how the Universe works and how main stream Science is attempting to shut it down like is always seems to do if it goes aguest some special interest. Today it is akin to what happened to those who questioned the Earth was the Center of the Universe that main stream so called Science all believed during the Renaissance period, They called any theory that the Earth was not the Center of the Universe misinformation. Does this sound familiar today? People laughed and mocked people like Leonardo da Vinci, Nicolaus Copernicus, Georg Purbach as crack-pots, conspiracy theorists, nut-jobs and they were suppressed and even imprisoned for their radical thoughts and observations. Again it sounds like today in so many ways. In any event this is a good one to ponder and see even if a bad idea ...
Seemingly chaotic systems like the weather and the financial markets are governed by the laws of chaos theory.
We all have heard about chaos theory, but if you have not or have forgotten what chaos theory is well here you go from
"Chaos theory deals with dynamic systems, which are highly sensitive to initial conditions, making it almost impossible to track the resulting unpredictable behavior. Chaos theory seeks to find patterns in systems that appear random, such as weather, fluid turbulence, and the stock market.
Since the smallest of changes can lead to vastly different outcomes, the long-term behavior of chaotic systems is difficult to predict despite their inherently deterministic nature.
As Edward Lorenz, who first proposed what became commonly known as the Butterfly Effect, eloquently said, "Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.""
You may have heard the term about chaos theory as a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil,...
I for one have lost trust in Medical Doctors due to COVID and reflection that they seem to push pills for everything and untested so called vaccines that is using a unproven technology because the Government and the Medical Boards of the State told them to. There are a very few exceptions. Thus they do not address the key problem just prescribe more and more pills to keep you alive an sick longer for them and Big Phama to profit from you. Will AI do any better? Well that depends on what was used for the training of AI. If it also pushes pills and vaccines without question then you have the same problems noted above. However, if the AI Training includes all possible forms of treatment and they zero in on the right issues for the true problem then there is possibilities they would be way better than most of the current Medical Doctors today.
The following is from an article from and written by Paul Ratner:
"A new study looks at how accurately AI can diagnose patients. We interview the researcher, who weighs in on AI's role ...