Something Interesting each day
This is a place where I would put something interesting each day. I believe in each day if we learn something new we are better people. I will post interesting things from around the world that includes a number of ideas and things that may make you go WOW.
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September 07, 2022
Here's why the benefits of Wi-Fi outweigh its potential risks (Part 1)

After the COVID debockle where the current administration was pushing the COVID Vac as "Safe and Effective" and once you taken these you will not get COVID and book they lied and it was not Safe or Effective now that actual data is coming in about deaths after the vaccine and a lot of side effects. So now they are saying Wi-Fi is safe. Today well it is not totally safe. I was out on vacation over the long weekend and had used wireless a few times, but the younger adults were on it all day long. All typing on their little keyboards, taking pictures and videos to social media and so on. I personally do not use wireless that much and my home is hard wired to get the larger download and upload speeds. I purpose of this article is to give you some information about the dangers about the use of wireless you may never know because the media and others are suppressing this type of information and like COVID blame everything else for your illness and side-effects. The following is from and was written by Christopher McFadden:

"A closer look at the claims that it is either safe or a silent killer.

Wi-Fi is all around us and has been for many decades.

The scientific consensus is that Wi-Fi is completely safe, but science is never settled.

The benefits of Wi-Fi appear to greatly outweigh any potential risks.

Wireless technology is basically everywhere today. It is used to connect things like laptops, smartphones, and other electronic devices to the internet. In fact, it's likely that you're reading this article on a computer or other device with Wi-Fi active.

Wi-Fi uses electromagnetic radiation, a form of energy, to transmit data. An area known as an electromagnetic field is produced by this radiation (EMFs).

Wi-Fi radiation has raised concerns that it may contribute to various diseases, including cancer, over the years. Yet other studies point to the fact that there is no apparent impact on human health from Wi-Fi exposure.

But, which camp, if any, is correct on this matter?

Let's examine the current state of "the science" around Wi-Fi and cancer.

Not all radiation is equal
Wi-Fi is a form of radiation, but that doesn't mean it is dangerous. In fact, quite the opposite.

For most, the term "radiation" is a rather emotive one. It conjures up in mind an image of nuclear fallout and post-apocalyptic scenes. But radiation, in some form or another, actually surrounds you all the time.

Take sunlight, for example. It is vital for all life on Earth, few give it a second thought, but it is a form of radiation. Although, some components of sunlight, such as the high-frequency ultraviolet light, can damage living tissue and are potentially very dangerous to your health if exposed in high enough doses.

Ultraviolet light is a form of radiation known as ionizing radiation. But what does that mean?

Ionizing radiation is typically bad for health in large doses or sustained exposure. This kind of radiation also includes x-rays, gamma radiation, and extreme UV, which only propagates in a vacuum. The key element here is the wavelength of the radiation type.

Ionizing radiation has enough energy to excite electrons and knock them out of orbit. The vacancy changes the chemical properties of the atoms and can cause them to break or form chemical bonds in ways that they otherwise would not - which can damage living tissue. While UV radiation can be useful, for example, for disinfecting surfaces, prolonged exposure is potentially highly detrimental and does have the potential to mutate your cells.

X-rays can also be extremely dangerous, which is why their use in medicine is carefully controlled to minimize the dose and keep it at safe levels. These controls are to protect the patient as well as the operators of the devices. For those worried about X-rays, which is reasonable, remember the exposure for most people is so limited over a lifetime that it pales in comparison to what you get in an aircraft (over the same timeframe). For example, if you were to fly from the east coast to the west coast of the US, you would be exposed to about 0.035 mSv (3.5 mrem) of cosmic radiation - this is less than one chest x-ray (which is around 0.02 mSv (2 mrem)). In comparison, the average annual dose for natural radiation is 2.28 mSv (228 mrem).

At the other end of the EM spectrum, we find non-ionizing radiation. These rays lack the energy to ionize atoms. They include everything else, from infrared to radio waves. This includes high-energy radio waves used in walkie-talkies and even microwaves.

So, as a general rule of thumb, long wavelengths typically mean it is "safe"; short wavelengths, on the other hand, are typically "bad." And Wi-Fi very much sits in the longer wavelength of things.

But there is another important component when discussing radiation of any kind; your proximity to the source.

There are two important things to remember here, too, when discussing the safety of radiation: the actual power output and the Inverse-Square law.

Close proximity to a radiation source, like, say microwaves, would give you a higher power dosage. The average magnetron in a microwave produces around 700 to 1,000 watts, with this energy contained safely within the device. Microwaves are also very well shielded, for obvious reasons. Even if the device was defective or the shielding deteriorated, you likely wouldn't feel any effects from the "leaked" radiation (most microwaves also have safeguards which means they won't work at all if they are defective).

By comparison, even the most powerful Wi-Fi router pumps out less than 1 watt of microwave energy. Remember that there is some overlap with EM wavelengths between RF and microwaves.

This energy is also radiated out in a bubble-like cloud from the device. With this kind of energy output, it wouldn't be strong enough to heat up 1 ml of water above room temperature.

Both a microwave and a router are subject to the inverse-square law. This states that the intensity of linear wave radiation is directly inverse to the distance from the source. This means that the radiation exposure gets smaller the farther away it is. So, if the source is twice as far away, there is 1/4 as much exposure.

The classic illustration is the intensity of sunlight with distance from the Sun. So, with ever-increasing distance from the source, radiation exposure reduces exponentially. This law applies to all radiation, radio, microwaves, light, etc.

Given that the output of the router is already minuscule, the inverse square law means that the radiation intensity you receive from non-ionizing waves is inconsequential. So, all good, right? Let's see.

Is Wi-Fi actually dangerous?
The jury is still very much out on this issue. For any piece of research that supports claims of the health impacts of Wi-Fi, you'll likely find another that completely disputes such claims.

But, you can probably take some solace in the fact that Wi-Fi, or at least wireless technologies, have been around for a very long time now. While the overall cancer death rates have steadily increased over time, there does not appear to be an increase in the types of cancer some people associate with Wi-Fi over the general rate of cancer. There have been some noticeable increases in certain types of cancer often associated with Wi-Fi, such as brain tumors, but this may be more a product of the aging of the so-called "boomer" population into their senior years rather than strictly because of exposure to Wi-Fi radiation.

Such technology has also been studied and scrutinized for a very long time too.

One of the most comprehensive studies was conducted by John Moulder, professor emeritus of radiation oncology at the Medical College of Wisconsin. He co-authored a review of the available Wi-Fi health research in 2013. According to this study, Wi-Fi routers transmit and receive data via radio waves, a type of electromagnetic radiation, just like that used for your mobile phone.

At least since the 1950s, when there were worries about Navy servicemen being exposed to potent shipboard radar, researchers have been studying radio waves and human health. The type of radiation linked to Wi-Fi has been the subject of research for 50 to 60 years, Moulder explained in an interview with Time in 2018.

We now know from scientific studies that electromagnetic radiation at high frequencies can increase tumor growth and cancer. One example is the UV radiation from the Sun and its association with skin cancer, as we've previously mentioned.

Extremely high levels of electromagnetic radiation (EM) exposure can harm you, even at lower frequencies, according to Kenneth Foster, a professor of bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania, who adds, "but we're talking skin burns, not cancer or tumors," he told Time.

Foster collaborated with Moulder on that 2013 study we mentioned earlier. He claims that safety guidelines have been established for all electronics that generate electromagnetic radiation, from phones and microwaves to your car's keyless entry fob, based on our current understanding of radio wave intensities and hazards.

Foster and Moulder, and many other experts in the field, are of the opinion that the exposure you receive from your Wi-Fi router is hundreds of times lower than those safety guidelines. So, while, in theory, high enough doses of exposure could be problematic for your health, the amount you are typically exposed to is far below even the most conservative of limits imposed by safety limits.

It is also important to note that Wi-Fi devices are not constantly pumping out EM radiation. Most of the time, they sit idly by and only operate when sending and receiving data. Their active period can be as low as 0.1 percent of the operating period but can be more when partaking in more data-intensive processes like streaming videos or gaming.

However, these are but a few of the main issues that need to be taken into consideration when considering the safety of Wi-Fi.

Does Wi-Fi affect the brain?

In short, we are not entirely sure.

However, numerous scientific research studies do appear to show that Wi-Fi can have negative consequences on human health. By boosting the generation of free radicals, it promotes oxidative stress.

Cellular macromolecules like proteins, lipids, and DNA suffer oxidative damage as a result of increased oxidative stress.

The radio frequency of electromagnetic radiation released by Wi-Fi devices has been shown in certain studies to have an impact on sperm count, motility, and DNA integrity in both humans and animals.

Degenerative damage, reduced testosterone levels, higher rates of cell death, and DNA damage are potential additional alterations in the male reproductive system that can be brought on by elevated testicular temperature and raised oxidative stress levels.

Regarding female reproductive alterations, it has been demonstrated in animal studies that Wi-Fi exposure can decrease the generation and release of estrogen and progesterone, which can result in decreased reproductive effectiveness and diminished fertility. It is thought that chromosomal alterations, one of the reasons for spontaneous abortion, can also be brought on by exposure to high levels of Wi-Fi.

Studies on the impact of Wi-Fi on animal brain activity have shown that exposure to stress and Wi-Fi radiation both result in the development of anxiety-like behavior; however, memory and spatial learning abilities are unaffected. Enhanced oxidative stress in the cerebral cortex and increased acetylcholinesterase activity are two examples of the biochemical alterations seen in animal brains.

Fascinating and slightly worrying, but Wi-Fi exposure could have other impacts on the human body too. For example, excessive exposure to Wi-Fi may have some deleterious effects on the human brain.

As a result of decreased melatonin release and increased norepinephrine secretion at night, excessive Wi-Fi use has been linked to weariness, sleep deprivation, and disruptions in learning and memory.

The usage of any screen time is connected to these changes as well, so it's not necessarily a consequence of Wi-Fi exposure alone but may also have to do with the light from the screen or the overstimulation caused by screen time. Studies of the usage of Wi-Fi have shown a mixed impact on electroencephalographic recordings of brain activity, with some research reporting no effect and others demonstrating neuropsychiatric alterations.

Intriguingly, a recent study has demonstrated that chronic Wi-Fi radiation exposure can enhance the cognitive abilities of mice with cognitive impairments resembling those caused by Alzheimer's disease.

The radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation released by mobile and cordless phones has not been shown to have any negative effects on young children's emotions or behavior.

However, a higher amount of radiation exposure from mobile phone base stations has been linked to behavioral and emotional issues in young children that are reported by the parents.

Despite a number of preliminary studies on the potentially harmful consequences of Wi-Fi exposure, it is still too early to draw any firm conclusions about potential health risks. The signal intensities employed in the majority of investigations are considerably higher than the levels of actual ambient exposure.

However, the radiofrequency signals produced by local wireless networks and wireless base stations, according to the literature, are weaker than those required by international standards. To accurately assess the consequences of Wi-Fi radiation on the human body, more reliable evidence is therefore required.

The main takeaways should be: -

Wi-Fi is a form of radiation

Wi-Fi signals are non-ionizing

Wi-Fi signals are mostly incredibly low strength and weaken over distance

While there do appear to be risks from high exposure to even non-ionizing radiation, safety levels for Wi-Fi routers are far below the minimum safe threshold"

Ok this is part one and I hope you will take some of this into account and try to limit your Wi-Fi use and exposure. As note the science is not settled on this or any subject, but why play with fire when you can do some slight adjustments? Tomorrow we will look at Cell Towers and those dangers.


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