Well this is an attempt to repost this from yesterday. Is so called Climate Change a farce or a fact? The political and somewhat religious groups say it is and yet the actual Science does not align to this narrative. Sadly there are not two types of Science those who align with a narrative without actual facts or twist the facts to align with the narrative that I will call political science. Then there are the actual scientists who deal with actual facts.
First, lets define what Climate Change is. It was called Global Warming then Global Cooling then back to warming from the political left. Some suspect this is an approach to get rid of capitalism and replace it with communism. Others may say this is a new religion of extremism of mad made concepts. However, over the Earths birth (Instream warming) and stayed at 80 C or 176 F for the first 4.5 billion years (https://socratic.org/questions/what-was-the-temperature-of-the-earth-when-it-first-formed).
According to NOAA they noted the following:
"Our planet seems to be in a cycle of constant change. According to an article by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Climate.gov in August, 2014, our planet likely experienced its hottest weather millions of years ago. One period, which was probably the warmest, was during the Neoproterozic around 600 to 800 million years ago. Approximately 56 million years ago, our planet was in the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum as global mean temperatures were estimated as high as 73 degrees Fahrenheit, over 14 degrees above current levels. Ocean sediments and fossils indicate that massive amounts of carbon dioxide were released into the atmosphere.
By contrast, evidence shows there have been at least five major ice ages on Planet Earth. One of the most well-documented and largest, occurred from 850 to 630 million years ago, is called the Cryogenian period. Glacial ice sheets likely reached all the way the equator producing a "Snowball Earth." Scientists believe that this massive ice age ended due to increased underground volcanic activity and, perhaps, a much warmer solar cycle." (http://www.longrangeweather.com/global_temperatures.htm). Some like to use averages, but this has it downsides depending on the narrative they are attempting to align to as noted from space.com:
"Absolute estimates of the global average temperature are difficult to compile. Global temperature data comes from thousands of observation stations around the world, but in some regions, such as deserts and mountaintops, stations are rare. Also, different groups, analyzing the same data, use different methods for calculating the global average. These differences in methodology sometimes produce slightly different results." (https://www.space.com/17816-earth-temperature.html)
As noted by the New Scientist the Earth has been far warmer than it is now as noted below:
"First of all, it is worth bearing in mind that any data on global temperatures before about 150 years ago is an estimate, a reconstruction based on second-hand evidence such as ice cores and isotopic ratios. The evidence becomes sparser the further back we look, and its interpretation often involves a set of assumptions. In other words, a fair amount of guesswork.
It is certainly true that Earth has experienced some extremes that were warmer than today, as well as much colder periods. In some cases the main factors that caused these past warm periods – and the ebb and flow of ice ages over recent millennia – are well understood, though not in all. Many of the details remain unknown.
Within the past billion years, there may have been one or more periods when the whole planet was covered in ice. This “snowball Earth” phenomenon remains controversial, with some evidence suggesting that there were at least some areas of unfrozen land and water even at the height of the freezing (read more here, here and here). It is clear, though, that from about 750 million to 580 million years ago, the Earth was in the grip of an ice age more extreme than any since.
Why did it happen? The spread of ice produces further cooling by reflecting more of the Sun’s energy back into space. But ice on land blocks the chemical weathering of rocks that removes CO2 from the atmosphere, which leads to warming as levels rise.
Snowball Earth may have been possible only because the continents were clustered on the equator, meaning CO2 removal would have continued even as ice sheets spread from the poles. Only when most of the land was covered would greenhouse gases have started to build up to levels high enough to overcome the cooling effects of the extensive ice cover." (https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn11647-climate-myths-its-been-far-warmer-in-the-past-whats-the-big-deal/)
So it does to make sense that the Earth has seen much warmer and much colder temperatures that we see today even accounting for the extremes. Also as noted above the causes are very complex and not just man made. It is also a fact that C02 is plant food that plants need to survive. So if we cut-down more and more trees, and build more cities atop of plants would this also be considered man made event driving more CO2 in the Earth atmosphere as well? Yet the political left ignore this little fact as well.
So is Climate Change a farce or a fact? I would say in general that climate change is a fact from the birth of the Earth to it's destruction in about 5.5 Billion years when our own sun turns into a Giant Red. Mankind before this will see temperatures well about anything seen now that will start to boil off the seas in about 4 Billion years from now as the sun starts to expand. As to the degree of the impact of man has on the Earth's Climate? I would say that anything has an impact and the degree of Man's impact is not an easy one to determine due to the number of factors from sun rotation, Earth rotation, sea patterns, volcanic and other natural events, and so many other factors not listed here for brevity. Basically it is how much solar radiation hits the Earth and how much leaves the Earth. There are so many things that can impact these two as noted earlier. But as far as man's impact it is not yet determined if this is a very small degree or larger. The Political left only focuses on gas power cars and yet continue to cut down green land for more city space and cut down more trees for wood to build their cities. Thus do we need to rethink the large concrete and steel cities we have today? And yet we are seeing more volcanic activity as well. What would the impact be if a super volcano like Yellowstone decides to become active? What impact will that have on the Earth when most of it will be blanked by volcanic cloud and ash? Those who assume one this is the only factor are not Scientists and pushing Political narrative. The truth is much more complex and true Scientists would say we do not have enough data yet and some of the actual data shows the issue is not as bad as the Political narrative is projecting. For example, how many times over the last several decades that the Political narrative said the Earth would be destroyed in the next 5 to 10 years, seas would raise and flood all the coastal cities, and all the ice caps are melted. Yet the South pole is growing and the North is somewhat detracting for now and yet the temperature seems to be somewhat steady and not raising as some on the Political narrative has been pushing.
So are you on the side of Truth that need more time to study the many complex factors, or do you side with the Political narrative to destroy and control a population via communism?
I have lost a lot of faith with the Medical Community and the Governments over the last several years, but there are a few good things that can raise above the corruption and the pushing of drugs a new approach to heal people. The following is from www.gaia.com and written by Hunter Parsons that does not involve any drug or pushing an ineffective so called vaccine that the drug company is not held accountable in any way but they use sound! The use of sound can regrow bone tissue! Here is the story:
"The future of regenerative medicine could be found within sound healing by regrowing bone cells with sound waves.
The use of sound as a healing modality has an ancient tradition all over the world. The ancient Greeks used sound to cure mental disorders; Australian Aborigines reportedly use the didgeridoo to heal; and Tibetan or Himalayan singing bowls were, and still are, used for spiritual healing ceremonies.
Recently, a study showed an hour-long sound bowl meditation reduced anger, fatigue, anxiety, and ...
Not a fan of a Defense Agency studying Anti-Gravity and other Exotic Tech, but if the commercial world and make this technology cheap that will change our world yet again. The following is about three minute read and from www.gaia.com. The below was written by Hunter Parsons:
"Wormholes, invisibility cloaks, and anti-gravity — it’s not science fiction, it’s just some of the exotic things the U.S. government has been researching.
A massive document dump by the Defense Intelligence Agency shows some of the wild research projects the United States government was, at least, funding through the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program known as AATIP.
And another lesser-known entity called the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program or AAWSAP
The Defense Intelligence Agency has recently released a large number of documents to different news outlets and individuals who have filed Freedom of Information Act requests.
Of particular interest are some 1,600 pages released to Vice News, which ...
As our technology gets better we are discovering more about the history of mankind and pushing the timeline back further and further. The following article is from www.gaia.com and written by Michael Chary that discusses this new find that changes the historical timeline:
"Over the past decade, there have been a number of archeological revelations pushing back the timeline of human evolution and our ancient ancestors’ various diasporas. Initially, these discoveries elicit some resistance as archeologists bemoan the daunting prospect of rewriting the history books, though once enough evidence is presented to established institutions, a new chronology becomes accepted.
But this really only pertains to the era of human development that predates civilization — the epochs of our past in which we were merely hunter-gatherers and nomads roaming the savannahs. Try challenging the consensus timeline of human civilization and it’s likely you’ll be met with derision and rigidity.
Conversely, someone of an alternative...
Not sure if you have heard of a show on YouTube called "The Why Files". If not you should check it out it is interesting and has some humor with it on different subjects. Last weeks was on a different theory how the Universe works and how main stream Science is attempting to shut it down like is always seems to do if it goes aguest some special interest. Today it is akin to what happened to those who questioned the Earth was the Center of the Universe that main stream so called Science all believed during the Renaissance period, They called any theory that the Earth was not the Center of the Universe misinformation. Does this sound familiar today? People laughed and mocked people like Leonardo da Vinci, Nicolaus Copernicus, Georg Purbach as crack-pots, conspiracy theorists, nut-jobs and they were suppressed and even imprisoned for their radical thoughts and observations. Again it sounds like today in so many ways. In any event this is a good one to ponder and see even if a bad idea ...
Seemingly chaotic systems like the weather and the financial markets are governed by the laws of chaos theory.
We all have heard about chaos theory, but if you have not or have forgotten what chaos theory is well here you go from interestingengineering.com:
"Chaos theory deals with dynamic systems, which are highly sensitive to initial conditions, making it almost impossible to track the resulting unpredictable behavior. Chaos theory seeks to find patterns in systems that appear random, such as weather, fluid turbulence, and the stock market.
Since the smallest of changes can lead to vastly different outcomes, the long-term behavior of chaotic systems is difficult to predict despite their inherently deterministic nature.
As Edward Lorenz, who first proposed what became commonly known as the Butterfly Effect, eloquently said, "Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.""
You may have heard the term about chaos theory as a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil,...
I for one have lost trust in Medical Doctors due to COVID and reflection that they seem to push pills for everything and untested so called vaccines that is using a unproven technology because the Government and the Medical Boards of the State told them to. There are a very few exceptions. Thus they do not address the key problem just prescribe more and more pills to keep you alive an sick longer for them and Big Phama to profit from you. Will AI do any better? Well that depends on what was used for the training of AI. If it also pushes pills and vaccines without question then you have the same problems noted above. However, if the AI Training includes all possible forms of treatment and they zero in on the right issues for the true problem then there is possibilities they would be way better than most of the current Medical Doctors today.
The following is from an article from interestingengineering.com and written by Paul Ratner:
"A new study looks at how accurately AI can diagnose patients. We interview the researcher, who weighs in on AI's role ...