Something Interesting each day
This is a place where I would put something interesting each day. I believe in each day if we learn something new we are better people. I will post interesting things from around the world that includes a number of ideas and things that may make you go WOW.
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August 12, 2021
Is the Federal Reserve headed towards a new crypto digital monetary system?

As promised here is the article that relates why central banks want to convert to crypto dollars and it is not because paper and ink is too expensive. It is all about control and debt. The following article outlines this very well from,, and that monitors money from around the world. First lets start with what is a digital dollar:

"Fedcoin and the Digital Dollar Explained

At first glance, the concept of a Fedcoin (“Federal Reserve coin”) or digital dollar seems strange. How would a Fedcoin be any different from the online bank accounts we use today? How is it different from other digital currencies like Facebook’s upcoming Libra, the Chinese DCEP digital yuan, or Bitcoin? In this explainer, I will dive into what Fedcoin is, whether the US needs to build it, and what it could mean for Americans.

In the wake of the COVID-19 stimulus plans, a pressing question emerged: how can the government deliver all this newly ‘printed’ cash to the people who need it? Not all Americans give the IRS their banking information, and mailing checks is slow. That’s why a draft of one COVID-19 stimulus plan included a call to create a ‘digital dollar’ – it could offer a faster way to deliver stimulus.

What is Fedcoin?

A Fedcoin or ‘digital dollar’ would be a digital currency that could be transferred digitally between people and businesses. This doesn’t sound much different from how your bank account works today, but there’s one key difference. Today, your bank account is actually just a debt that your bank owes you – it is a commercial bank liability.

Your bank in turn holds some amount of central bank liabilities in an account they have at the US central bank – the Federal Reserve or ‘Fed’. These might be actual dollar bills or just numbers in a digital ledger – yes, confusing, I know. When you withdraw from an ATM, your bank is repaying you some of the debt they owe you by giving you US dollars, a central bank liability. When you hold US dollars, the Federal reserve owes you. The trick is, they never pay you back! You used to be able to redeem those dollars for actual gold – but now, those dollars are fiat money, and don’t represent anything.

The Federal Reserve Bank in Washington DC. Source
A digital dollar system is different from today’s system because it would allow anyone to have an account at the Federal Reserve bank. This account would hold central bank liabilities directly, in digital form. Central bank liabilities are typically considered lower risk than commercial bank liabilities because the commercial bank is a middleman that could go bankrupt.

Doesn’t sound like much of a change from what we have today, right? We will get into the differences below. First, I’ll explain why the US is even considering a digital dollar.

Does the US need a national digital currency, or Fedcoin?
There are three main reasons that Congress and other US governmental bodies are exploring a digital dollar:

1. Improve payments
2. Ensure the dollar’s international power
3. Expand monetary policy tools

The Upsides: Better Bank Transfers and Remittances

While Venmo, Apple Pay, credit cards and other payment technologies make it very convenient for Americans to pay people and businesses today, major bottlenecks in our systems include bank transfers and remittances. The “automated clearing house” or ACH bank transfer system can take 3 days or more to move money from bank to bank.

With all consumer accounts at the Fed under a digital dollar system, transfers could be made in minutes instead of days. Sending money back to family members abroad, a payment type known as remittances, is also a costly and slow system through intermediaries like Western Union. A digital dollar could potentially make this transfer much faster and cheaper, if both parties are able to have an account at the Federal Reserve.

The Downsides: Increased Government Controls
On the negative side, the government may use a digital dollar system to regulate behavior and induce consumer spending in pursuit of economic growth. While these efforts are often well-intentioned, centralized control of potions of economic activity often leads to further problems, which then justify further government intervention.

To understand how a digital dollar system could be used to control the finances of regular Americans, we can look at several real examples. Many are from China, which already has pervasive digital payments infrastructure through WeChat and AliPay. Others, like negative interest rates, are already in place in Europe and Japan.

  • Instantaneous fines
  • Social credit systems
  • Negative interest rates

And many others"

"Is the Federal Reserve headed towards a new crypto digital monetary system? Take advantage of today’s gold price! Recent events scream that it is time to get assets off the grid!

Has printing money with paper and ink become just too bothersome? Does paper money interfere with the central bank’s desire to institute negative interest rates? Does the national surveillance state desire a cashless society that crypto offers so that everything anyone does is like an open book for Big Brother government?


Central banks around the world and the Federal Reserve are headed pell mell to a new crypto digital monetary system. Chairman Powell says it is a high priority project for the Fed.

That is why we recommend our friends and client take this opportunity provided by a correction in the gold price to get some assets off the grid. Once the state is committed to its total surveillance monetary system, it will become much more difficult to do so.

When the national surveillance state has a powerful interest in having a chokehold on every financial transaction, it can be expected to resort to social shaming to drive approval and compliance with such its totalist financial system. After all, “if you are not doing anything wrong, why would you object to your affairs being scrutinized?”

Yet there are many legitimate reasons to want to have assets off the financial grid. Recent events highlight the urgency of doing so now:

  • In case of a power grid failure. The images are fresh in our minds of last month’s deadly collapse of the Texas electrical grid. Millions went for days on end without power; the death toll still has not been determined. The episode illustrates the vulnerability of large grid systems. In a power failure, ATMs stop spitting out cash, but it will be worse in near future under the Fed’s crypto dollar when a power failure means that every commercial transaction, even the smallest, will grind to a standstill.

  • In case of a cyber-security attack on US telecommunications. Last June a British headline read, “A MASSIVE cyber-attack targeting the USA was feared last night as major telecoms, internet and banking platforms were crippled at the same time.”

  • To avoid victimization by increasingly sophisticated hackers. It is only prudent to want to maintain privacy in one’s financial affairs, especially since millions of people are victims of identity theft and identity fraud each year and while hackers steal credit card numbers by the millions from national retailers.

  • To avoid the fragility of a single, highly centralized monetary system, particularly one in the hands of authorities that have delivered a series of depressions, calamities, and crises. Just a week ago (2/24) he Federal Reserve’s systems for transferring money and financial assets failed nationally, halting crucial transactions among banks, businesses, and government."

The following is from that also discussed the United States desire for the digital dollar:

"Why The Fed’s Digital Dollar Can’t Compete With Bitcoin

“The U.S. needs a digital dollar… The U.S. dollar has to keep earning that place in the global payments system. It has to be better than Bitcoin…”

These are the words of Senator Tom Cotton during a recent Senate Banking Committee meeting discussing the “Digital Dollar.”

Regular readers are well aware of the elites’ desire to move away from physical cash and towards a Digital Dollar.

It’s clear there is an effort by some of the most powerful people in the world to bring about a cashless society.

A Digital Dollar is coming – and soon.

The Digital Dollar would enable a cashless society, which is a totalitarian’s dream. It’s precisely the opposite of how a free society should work.

The government would have complete knowledge of – and control over – every transaction you make. If you’re disobedient, they would be able to turn off your ability to transact at the push of a button, or they could charge your account.

At that point, governments will have almost unbreakable control over the individual.

And we can already see how they intend to sell the Digital Dollar to the public…

A Hidden Agenda
We know politicians never let a crisis go to waste.

In March, Congress made it explicit. That’s when the Digital Dollar first appeared in a bill that Nancy Pelosi introduced.

The idea was for the Federal Reserve to create and manage a centralized digital currency to facilitate COVID-19 stimulus payments. Every US resident was to get a Digital Dollar Wallet that they could manage on their phone and which the Fed could deposit stimulus money into.

While the Digital Dollar provision didn’t make it in the final version of this bill, it has reappeared in other legislation and in the recent Senate Banking Committee meeting.

The government wants to give away more “free” COVID stimulus money, and they’ll say they need a Digital Dollar to help them do it.

After all, many people who were supposed to receive stimulus checks earlier this year did not, and the government sent up to $1.4 billion to dead people. The government claims it needs a Digital Dollar so it can more efficiently distribute this money.

Who will turn down a “free” $2,000 per month, as the latest Digital Dollar legislation calls for?

The truth is, once people become accustomed to receiving money from the government, it will be politically impossible to slow down, much less stop.

It’s like the cheese in a mousetrap. It’s there to entice you into accepting the Digital Dollar and cashless society, and all the horrible things that go with it.

But there is a silver lining…

A Trojan Horse
Here’s the bottom line. Despite all the hype, a Digital Dollar is nothing but the same fiat money scam with a new label on it. It’s old wine in new bottles.

Thanks to the Digital Dollar scam, the government will have a new powerful tool to confiscate and redistribute wealth.

But a Digital Dollar is going to introduce and familiarize millions of Americans on using digital currencies. And it’s only then a matter of time before they discover Bitcoin.

Remember, Senator Cotton said a Digital Dollar “has to be better than Bitcoin.”

It’s an explicit recognition of Bitcoin’s superior monetary properties, which Cotton correctly thinks threatens the dollar.

The reality is that a Digital Dollar and Bitcoin are entirely different in the most fundamental ways.

You need the US government’s permission and blessing to use the Digital Dollar. Bitcoin is permissionless.

The US government can (and will) create as many Digital Dollar currency units as it wants. There can never be more than 21 million Bitcoins, and there is nothing anyone can do to inflate the supply more than the predetermined amount in the protocol.

The US government can censor transactions, freeze, sanction, and confiscate Digital Dollars whenever it wants for whatever reason. Bitcoin is censorship-resistant. No country’s sanctions or laws can affect it.

There is no privacy with the Digital Dollar. If you take certain steps, it is possible to maintain privacy with Bitcoin.

In short, the Digital Dollar is a pathetic attempt to compete with Bitcoin.

But at the same time, it’s an excellent Trojan Horse for Bitcoin.

It doesn’t take much imagination to see that once the US government inevitably inflates the Digital Dollar, censors transactions, freezes people’s accounts, and confiscates funds, it will push people to look for digital alternatives, first and foremost – Bitcoin."

Thus personally I will push back on digital dollars due to the Government control and how it can control us in our behaviors, and how much we make and lose in seconds. It is not of the Governments business who I give my money to and for what. I do not want any Government to know where I am and how much I make and spend. This all leads to very oppressive Governments and why North Korea and China are embracing digital dollars to control their population.


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"Chaos theory deals with dynamic systems, which are highly sensitive to initial conditions, making it almost impossible to track the resulting unpredictable behavior. Chaos theory seeks to find patterns in systems that appear random, such as weather, fluid turbulence, and the stock market.

Since the smallest of changes can lead to vastly different outcomes, the long-term behavior of chaotic systems is difficult to predict despite their inherently deterministic nature.

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October 16, 2023
Is AI better than your doctor? A new study tests the ability of AI to get the right diagnosis

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